[7.3/10] I like the theme in this one, of regular people wanting to feel like they can make a difference in a world where people have superpowers. You have the good side of that with Harry trying to fight Blizzard but being clearly out of his depth. You have the bad side of that with Blizzard himself trying to one-up Hammerhead using the boys’ tech, and going on an evil rampage. You even have the sort of mundane side of it where our hero accidentally helps stop a robbery even when in Peter Parker mode.

The show doesn't really go very deep into any of these things, and resorts to the same “technobabble to beat technobabble” solutions it usually does, but it’s still a good episode. The theme carries a lot of the water here, and Spidey is particularly amusing. His quip game is on point, and self-aware bits like “I do like swinging in and kicking people mid-sentence” make for some very solid meta-humor.

At the same time, I actually really liked the final action-setpiece. Spidey fighting a giant ice-mecha while brandishing a flaming sword isn’t exactly on-brand for the Web Head, but it was still too fueled-by-awesome to care about that. I’m not exactly clamoring for another go-round with Blizzard, but that final fight, combined with some corny heat and cold puns that felt like jabs at Batman & Robin, made this one a winner.

Overall, an interesting central idea, some cool fight sequences, and an amiable characterization for Spider-Man make this an enjoyable outing for the character.

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