As to be expected the action is phoneomeal, but expecting great action dosen't even begin to describe some of the action and fight scenes in this film it's truly amazing. Now im gonna get into somewhat {spoiler} territory because as great as this film is and as phoneomeal as the action is this film has flaws. The movie is quite long and as entertaining as it is most of the time it can drag at times. That being said while the movie was going on I was thinking I hope they wrap this up in the third even tho I enjoy all 3 John Wick's they all take place in a short spand of time so the story does seem to standstill a lot of times so the action can take place which can be annoying. Although im sure i'll watch John Wick 4 and probably really enjoy it it's time for this franchise to wrap up it's getting to the point where it's been 5 years since the first movie and we've seen about 2 weeks worth of events happen and it still feels like were not very close to the end. This one in particular did probably the worst in storytelling due to action being the only thing really keeping the storyline moving. Don't mean to talk this negative about the film because I did enjoy it I just don't really like the way the franchise is going it seems the studio would rather get another paycheck than tell the story correct.

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