Being teenager sucks and Daria captures this sentiment surprisingly well. Teenage angst, summers spent doing unsatisfactory, grunge and nihilism of existence.
Daria emits the essence of the 90s, piling together everything that sucks about living while polishing it to make us feel vaguely nostalgic.

The movie offers a semi-satisfying conclusion to the series keeping everything the way we know and love it. The main storyline revolves around the dreaded love triangle and despite the resolution not being what I wanted I can see the reasoning behind it. However, Daria's interaction with other characters in the movie is what makes it golden. Surprising realisations from our main character move the story forward and solidify Daria in our minds not making her the blank man for us to relate to but unique and memorable character.

The best parts are however running gags in the movie. Daria's parents really have their time to shine in the movie and other background characters keep their charm untouched as well.

Despite all this fun, I can't not touch on the problematic elements in this movie. Yes, it was made in a different time but some messages here are rather problematic, and the representation of the bisexuals in the movie would not hold up today due to several reasons. This enforces negative stereotypes and biphobia in society and should be approached with caution.

Overall this movie is everything we could have ever wanted from a Daria movie. Fun, chill and memorable with not so surprising insights considering the reputation Daria has built over the years and the commentary on life holds up even today.

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