[7.3/10 on a post-classic Simpsons scale.] I feel like I say this a lot, but this is a tough one to grade. The episode is kind of a constant contradiction. It actually puts together a pretty solid Marge/Homer relationship drama idea! The concept of Homer realizing that Moe treats Marge like a friend, and feeling insecure about that, is not bad at all. Homer learning that he should appreciate Marge and take care of her needs is always a good beat.

At the same time, I like Marge and Moe having an unexpected bond. There’s something neat about Marge taking over Homer’s safe space and then finding it comfortable herself. The way she finds fulfillment in running the tavern is a nice beat for her too.

But then we have another Moe pick-up scheme, and a conclusion that involves Homer making a self-consciously romcom-esque mad dash to the airport, and other zaniness that robs that solidly emotional story of anything that feels real. The resolution of Marge reaffirming that she loves Homer is good, but the Friends-ish schtick to get there is a dud.

The same duality is at play in the comedy! On the one hand, there’s some fun bits poking fun at topics as varied as brunch and British pubs and emotional affairs. But there’s also painfully self-aware Jerkass Homer jokes, overlong gags involving trombones, and the aforementioned over the top escapade on an airplane. This is, frankly, a funnier and more comedically sound episode than a lot of post-classic installments, but once or twice an act, there’s a real groaner of a gag.

Overall, this is one has a lot of high points, but also some baffling low points which drag it down. It’d be a much better episode if it just sidestepped some obvious pitfalls and leaned into the things it was already doing well.

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