Review by Andrew Bloom

[8.2/10] I liked essentially every part of this one.

For one thing, I liked the sitcom-esque bit of Peter finally succumbing to his exhaustion after running into Tinkerer, and having to be forcibly put to bed by the Miles/Aunt May connection. His efforts to escape the house to go adventuring, while Miles keeps putting him off, May keeps catching him, and Gwen has to do a distraction all had me in stitches. Gwen’s ominous moment with May over the phrase “wheat cakes” in particular, and May’s gentle nudging of Peter toward his friend, are both outstanding.

But I also liked that, with Peter out of commission, Miles got to do the lead Spider-Man work for once! It was fun to see him rolling through the city, playing detective with the holotech on the street, and having adventures with his robot friend. His efforts to fight robots and save info with The Living Brain’s assistance are fun given their unique dynamic, and it’s just an enjoyable change of pace to have Miles leading the charge here.

I even like the big reveal. I’ll admit that seeing the list of voice actors for a prior episode pretty much spoiled the reveal that the guy who put out the bounty on Spider-Man was Otto, but I didn’t predict the details. The idea of Otto getting sucked into the neurocortex during his last big battle, using his powers of persuasion to convince others to create the Living Brain, and concocting this whole scheme to flush out Spider-Man and lure him in is a little out there, but still a fun comic book-y twist. A lot of the success of this thing will depend on whether this show can nail the landing or not, but however convenient and expository Otto’s big plan and reveal are, I like the concept.

Overall, this was a nice follow-up to the “Bring out the Bad Guys” arc, which gives a plausible motivation behind the whole bounty thing, and creates an interesting tie in to the Otto-related shenanigans that kicked off the season.

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