So, I couldn't be more happy bc of the end. Never figured what how the hell he survived t this point. I somehow wonder if they didn't lose their mother at the Stadium... that would be even better. Will left Daniel as the last not interesting/without any logic character.
It's so strange that in TWD I struggle to like any of them, left with Judith who has not many scenes as well as Negan and Michonne who is strange after the ridiculous idea of the time change and in FTWD I like almost everyone, only pissed off from beginning to the end with Nick (I don't even have words to describe him), Momma the Senseless and Daniel (he could survive...?)The loving father/the first person who's gonna turn on you/sociopath in the making. I'm hoping for some more deaths/revealing of some deaths from the past.

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@kizz-n-tell Nick is quite literally the only person who had an interesting take on how to survive in the world of FTWD. All the others were bland basic characters, copy-pasted from TWD.
