Review by Mrtomtomman2000

Spider-Man: Far From Home 2019

Hilarious amazing lots of travelling, lots of action and special effects A must watch after Endgame Tom Hollands And Zendaya's chemistry is so on point in this movie
This is such an hilarious movie cracking jokes from the start peter having his summer holiday plans rather than taking the whole superhero job too seriously until it is ready to all kick in. We first start off with Peter trying to have his innocent Romantic plan with MJ that of course does not go to plan as after the hilarious ghosting of Nick Fury he tends to hijack their summer vacation even though MJ is the only person on his mind all summer as that is all that he wants to do is spend time with her. Constantly reminded of his Father figure who he loved Tony Stark shown by Iron Man graffiti on the side of the house the beautifully well done at the start really has connotations that there something missing in Peters life his father figure Tony Stark, therefore he thinks he finds it in Quentin Beck also known as by the kids Mysterio, showing that there is more than meets the eye with him as Peter is looking for another father figure as that hole will forever be there where Tony used to be. After screwing up to start off with Peter gets MJ this cute thoughtful gift that really shows his love for her. Not to mention Ned and Bettys cute romantic relationship hitting it off from the start after a cock up Peter pulled from trying to get with MJ, which was hilarious and so cute, so the man in the chair kind of becomes the man with the romance. Peter kind of goes unnoticed by everyone else even when he disappears all most of the time to fight bad guys and this is where MJ'S And Peters chemistry really kicks in as the only person that seems to notice Peter properly and intelligently as MJ is highly intelligent young women I would say more intelligent than Peter even though she does not seem like it until you get to know her when she lets her guard down in front of Peter. MJ starts her investigation for quite some time to try and uncover what Peter is up to having a 67% sureness that Peter is Spider Man and trying to find that out to have more of a romantic connection with him to see if she could open herself up to Peter that she does in a cute and awkward romantic way. Then there is a kiss that they share in the film is truly spectacular as they are well suited to each other and just shows that MJ is more than a damsel in distress kind of bad ass. I hope that MJ becomes a hero herself she kind of is already maybe a Spider Woman even though that is doubtful for the MCU and the Spider Man Films I can still be hopeful as Peter And MJ do work really well together with their amazing romantic cute chemistry. Well Done Marvel and the rest of the cast and crew on such an amazing job with this amazing film look forward to the next Spider Man Films hopefully. Aunt May is just amazing and her not so secret obvious relationship with Happy is just romantic and cute at the same time, which is so nice to see. I highly recommend seeing this film if you have a spare two hours and nine minutes and I highly recommend you watching it at the cinema soon as the atmosphere with everybody laughing and feeling all sorts of emotions together really makes the film too. This is the best Spider Man movie yet truly my favourite Spider Man Film. Zendaya's And Tom Hollands acting is phenomenal as always and their chemistry is just shown onscreen so well.

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