Shout by Greg Enslen

Aquaman 2018

What can I say? It was fine. Some stunning visuals can't make up for a barely-workable plot that you can feel slipping and sliding over the plot holes that rise up from the depths at every turn. Jason Momoa throws himself into the silliness with daring aplomb, but this movie has a serious Star Wars Prequel trilogy feel: everything happens in front of a green screen and you can just tell that the actors had little or nothing to work with. I was surprised by Amber Heard and Willem Defoe, who both brought actual acting chops to the silly lines they were asked to deliver. If you're interested in spending two-and-a-half hours watching thousands of CGI things fight thousands of other CGI things, be my guest. I, for one, would have prefered a little more actual story instead of the standard "rightful king returns to take his throne" storyline which has been done to death. Oh, and saying this is the "best of the DC universe" is faint praise and inaccurate--Wonder Woman, despite all of its flaws, is still the best the DCEU has managed to deliver.

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