Shout by VirtualLlama

Midsommar 2019


Shout by VirtualLlama
BlockedParent2019-07-14T19:23:51Z— updated 2019-09-30T19:14:30Z

Be warned Midsommar is not a horror movie, it's an art film covered in a thin veneer of gore. It is not scary, it's not frightening, just long with a few gross-out gore scenes sprinkled in.

The movie spends most of its run time showing you scenes of people eating, drinking or singing. These are really pretty scenes mind you, the cinematography is on point, but they are also excruciatingly long. The movie could easily be trimmed by 30 minutes without affecting the barebones plot at all.

The horror element is supposed to be the cult rituals but most of them were so absurd that I and the rest of the (few) people in the theater laughed instead. There was especially one scene with a bunch of nude older women that was downright hilarious, although I very much doubt that was the intent.

If singing Swedish people frightens you then this is a must watch, otherwise don't bother.

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@virtualllama This sums up perfectly what I felt, thanks.

I wish I'd read this comment before watching this. 2h50 I'll never get back.
