Review by CHLOE2018

Brightburn 2019

All I can say is, you neglected the most important part of the story. For example, you should have explained about BB origin, the planet and so. Most of the events in the movie are insignificant. Out of logical thinking for me personally. You see, BB came from a decent family especially the mother, a desperate and a loving mother. How on earth can you turn a boy into a monster when he has decent background. There's no reason why he felt disgusted with Earthlings and drove him to kill people. Evident : durinf BB meeting with his aunt a.k.a thr counsellor he said he was thankful that his parents are not from this stupid place. Any reason why he had the line? Did his parents abuse him in certain way? The urges to do evil from the capsule itself is not enough to explain his bad deeds. Another thing is, he broke his classmate hand. Killed her mother and uncle for a wrong reason. He was guilty and yet somebody else is paying for his sin? Not a good story though. I can't stop thinkin how shallow this story is when you didn't explain, logically what turns a boy into evil when he has no family issues to ignite the fire.

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@chloe2018 hell I have a decent family, friends and still hate 99% of the earthlings and would be happy if the population would 1/3.

You don't need family issues, actually that's kinda blaming.
