Review by Gaby

Now with Michael integrated into the Discovery, we are pulled into the true conflict of the show: the war against the Klingons. Reminded that lives are being taken at the hands of an enemy who sees war as destiny.

It's interesting to see how Michael tries to fullfill her duty on The Discovery while remaining true to her principals and instincts. She is able to meld the requests of her captain to figure out how to weaponize a creature unknown to them, while at the same time seeing the same creature as another being in the universe. Not a thing, but a being. And like all that exists, she must find a way to understand it cause only then can she really interact with it. This careful consideration becomes the key factor in figuring out The Discovery's primary goal of faster than light travel.

And the breakthrough cannot come soon enough as Klingon's have attacked a key mining town in the edges of Federation Space. A brutal reminder to all the explorers and scientist on The Discovery. That real lives are at stake, not jus their research.

I'm interested to see how Michael builds friendships with two key people: her roommate and a key researcher on the ship. Two extremes that will be interesting in their development from strangers to friends/coworkers/rivals.

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