Shout by MoviemanKev

100 Girls 2000

Geeky Matthew (John tucker) loses his virginity during a blackout, the next morning the girl in question is nowhere to be found. So immediately falling in love with her, he goes on a quest to find this nameless girl who could be any of the 100 girls whom live in the dormitory. His roommate, Rod (James DeBello, better know for his part in the MUCH better Detroit Rock City) is there to act as a soundboard which Mat gets to tell his ideas too (and adds to the sophomoric teen comedy humor quota obviously).

The film isn't that bad for a teen comedy, if you can get past the abundant pitiful similes, metaphors and the fact that Tucker doesn't really have the look to really pull off the shenanigans this movie wants us to readily believe. A couple of enormous hurdles indeed. it's not bad, but there are so many worthier teen comedies out there.

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