Shout by Dann Michalski

Mary Poppins Returns 2018

Desperately trying to recapture the magic of the original, and failing, Mary Poppins Returns is a whimsical family film with no heart. The fates once again call on Mary Poppins when Michael Banks, now a widower, is about to lose his house and his children are despite to help him save it. Emily Blunt takes on the iconic role of Mary Poppins, but as good as she is she’s no Julie Andrews and comes off as a little more stern and less kind. And the musical numbers aren’t nearly as catchy and fun as those from the original film. A couple are alright, but most of them go on too long, are over produced, and try too hard to be charming and lighthearted. The writing isn’t that good either, as much of the film seems forced and contrived. While it’s entertaining and has a bit of the original’s spirit, Mary Poppins Returns doesn’t have its passion or its sincerity.

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