Shout by Alexandra E

Bill Burr: Paper Tiger 2019

I heard great things about this guy, so when I saw it on Netflix, I was thinking it would make my evening after a rough day at work. Instead he spends the first 20 minutes bashing women. I'm sure he'd call me a feminist, but he's simply attacking women in what appears to be a desperate attempt to shame women into old stereotypes. Stand by your man ladies or we will shame you into submission. Even the First Lady jokes about Melania, Michelle and Laura (who he's so ignorant he thought admitting he doesn't know her name... like he's never heard of Google). I had to turn it off. Male chauvinist pigs are all over the country and they're actually funnier than this guy.

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@tgrbabydoll everything he said was on point. Sorry you didn’t get it.

@tgrbabydoll looks like someone's triggered. Geez. Have a sense of humor. Its a comedy special not a ted talk.
