Shout by XZ3R0

Attack on Titan 2013

Terrible show you want so badly to be good. The writing is so lazy and cheap. Cliffhanger tactics to keep people watching.

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actually it satisfies me enough. it has a good story, good character writing, the graphics are amazing and the cliffhangers are good enough. the plot twists that are coming are gonna shock every non-manga fan and its a completely worthy anime


Reply by Sunny Senpai
Blocked2017-04-01T17:51:53Z— updated 2019-10-20T17:49:16Z

More like an epic show that YOU want it to be so bad lmao

@xz3r0 Saying it is terrible is just stupid as fuck. Your highly subjective opinion is just; that you don't like it.
I think a show like Stargate has terrible writing, acting and a whole bunch of flaws.
AGENTS of Shield is generic writing with horrible attempts to make you care about anyone, where every character is dull as fuck, and most are pure cringe.
Or a movie like X-Men: Days of future past is just a retarded hodgepodge of shit.

Those opinions are very subjective, but I can't say they are terrible shows or movies. They still have something that others find pleasing.

So this "review" of yours.... try again

@shinigami_peeps Yes. Those are all bad shows. Whats your point? I think you just proved that this show is bad even more.
Btw Its ok to like bad shows you don't need to hate yourself for it.

@xz3r0 So you giving episodes of those shows, 9/10, is them, in your opinion, being bad? You sure have a fucked up way of rating stuff.
And it does, as you type it, 'prove' nothing. The statemenst doesn't even correlate.
And the movie, same there?
And in what way, does that insult make any sense? You ate paint as a child, didn't you?

If you are gonna try and make a smart ass comeback, atleast put a little effort into it. What you came up with just made you look semi-retarded.
Oh, and your derailment. Bad attempt aswell.
Try again!

@shinigami_peeps Those ratings are within the context of the show, assuming you already like the show. I enjoy the show, doesn't mean its good. Stargate is corny as hell. It makes me laugh. I recommend no one to watch it. It's a guilty pleasure.
You're also clearly a bias anime fanboy and your opinion cannot be taken seriously. I watched this show objectivly and the writing is bad. Probably worse than Stargate.

@xz3r0 But then you like it, so in your own opinion; it's not a bad show.
You are contradicting yourself. Get yourself in order and perhaps think more than one step ahead before typing. Or maybe you are that simpleminded... hmm, that's rare...
I watch any show I find intresting. Your insult AGAIN makes no sense. But when you have a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience, I guess it makes sense to you.
Another bad attempt at an insult though, but thank you. It takes me back to 2006, when people actually used it... haha, 'fanboy'... cute :)

@xz3r0 it's not so bad, but it's definitely overrated.

@xz3r0 I don't know what scaries me most. The fact that you dislike a well done show with nice story and visuals or the fact that you don't know how cliffhangers works (you know they exist in all stories you read/watch, right?).


@xz3r0 Your review is bad and you should feel bad

@xz3r0 Boy were you wrong, holy shit this didn't age well.

@xz3r0 Must be hard living life needing to be this negative.

@xz3r0 Well this comment was placed before AOT became the masterpiece that it is now. The beginning seemed like a generic revenge story with Eren saying "IM GONNA KILL EVERY LAST TITAN" every episode.

I assume you have not watched more, but trust me the writing of this show is amazing and the later seasons will blow your mind.

@xz3r0 this has aged horribly

@xz3r0 lol never get recommendations from this guy

And it then went on to become one of the biggest anime of all time

it's like someone paid you for this bad review.

@xz3r0 you should watch the whole show, you'll change your mind, believe me. earlier eposides are nothing compared to later ones.

@jcr0ssarea yeah, like.. at first it was like a typical shonen with some airs of seinen, but now it's a pure seinen with political and even philosophical mindblowing plots

@xz3r0 Show is overall good, it just makes the fans wait for too long of a time. Season 1 is alright, Season 2 tbh is complete garbage that kept me for years continuing watching it, Season 3 is insaneee very good, S4P1 also great P2 is meh. The writing is in no way cheap it is pretty good. Get to season 3, watch it and then review the series, season 3 is just pure amazingness.

@xz3r0 28% watched... You don't even know what the show is about lol

@moohaha I watched the entire first season and it was the worst show i ever watched. Why would i watch any more

@shinigami_peeps it's a subjective review dude. He's literally just sharing his opinion. Chill.
