[8.6/10] Much better! This episode is an improvement on the last one in multiple ways, the chief of which is that its set pieces are better. Without having to set up the conflict or the character relationships B:TAS can just dispense with the wind-up and let things go.

The first act features a hell of an action sequence with Batman foiling (or at least interfering with) the plague heist on the train. This show has the rhythm of Batman down, having him emerge from the shadows, leap into the frame, or appear just when he’s needed right on schedule. His skirmish with Red Claw and her goons on the top of the military freight train, and his surprise at her identity and escape makes for exciting T.V. On top of that, I like that this again shows off Batman’s skills as a detective and a vigilante, strong-arming the mob boss for info and figuring out that the heist is going to go down on a secret military train.

The middle act has some cool details too. The car chase scene is superb, with a real sense of danger as Bruce and Selina evade their attackers. And Bruce’s realization that the woman he loves (which, granted, seems like insta-love), is actually his rooftop enemy (or flirting partner), is done well, just enough to complicate things for him without him turning into a puddle on the floor.

The third act is the most implausible and the weakest, but still has its cool moments. Red Claw leaving Batman and Catwoman in what amounts to a Bond villain trap is pretty dumb, as is Catwoman siccing a mountain lion on her after the fight. But Batman’s move to blow the plague up and get out of dodge via a gasoline truck, while straining the bounds of actual science, makes for a cool set piece, and some exciting visuals. The ending, with Batman being honor-bound to arrest Catwoman, but regretting having to do it “more than [she] knows” adds a nice touch of melancholy and tragedy to the whole thing.

Overall, this is a supreme improvement over the opening episode of this duology, upping the ante in terms of action, and adding some interesting complications to the Bat/Cat dynamic. Can’t wait to see them picked up again.

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