Review by Chronosus

Themes: T'Pol development, human-vulcan relations, Archer being prideful and stupid

In our main story tonight, Enterprise encounters ice comet, biggest humans have ever seen and our excitable captain gets very excited about it. Well, according to T'Pol core of the comet has some rare mineral eilisium so they decide to escavate. Hurray, a mission! Vulcans show up and are interested in human interest in the comet. Archer gets very teenagy trying to show parents that they are mature enough to not to get into trouble. So they decide to build a snowman on a comet, make an explosion that starts to rotate comet sp their side ends up facing the sun that in turn makes shuttle pod sink 20 meters below surface. Sure showed them. After Archer doesn't manage to save them with grappling hooks, Vulcans save the day with their tractor beams and earn the right to say "I told you so".
Side note: captain remarks "prepare for loud bang". Is comet supposed to have atmosphere that carries sound? And certanly they wouldn't hear it from ship.

We also get little development for T'Pol and get to learn about Vulcans some more. Tucker intercepts one of her personal mail that came from Vulcan ship that turns out to be warning for cancelation of her wedding. She was supposed to get married in a week on Vulcan for a guy named Koss, but the parents of the groom are calling off the wedding since she decided to associate herself with human scum. Vulcan marriages are arranged during childhood, which makes sense considering lack of emotion and all. In the end she brings illogical decision and calls of the wedding.

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