Review by Bogex

Umm... Lizhen's grave says "beloved mother"? When she didn't even raise a kid? When her child didn't even know that she was his birthmother for 28 years? Lol.

This episode had 2 not-so-clear parts for me:
- Did Chen Wen-hao kill himself? Was that the gunshot? If so, why tf now that he found his son? And why did Tang Yi start to cry immediately after he heard the shot without even looking that way? Did he know that Chen Wen-hao would do that?
- Did Tang Yi go to jail at the end? Because he shot a police officer?

The kinda open ending was good and bad for me. The Jack&Shorty pair's story ended nicely (though I wouldn't have trusted Jack after hearing him say that he had a secret agenda, lying to his boss the whole time he was working there, lol); the girl&assistant pair was meh because I don't like the girl's attitude, plus they didn't have many scenes together (or individually) for me to be invested in their relationship. And our main pair had a cute ending, but I'd loved to see a short scene after the credits or a even a whole bonus episode for when Tang Yi comes out of jail(?).

Tang Yi and Shao-fei's actors had a strangely great chemistry - this was maybe my first time feeling that I'm actually watching two straight men in love with each other. Their gazes, touches and kisses with each other felt so natural, but their characters weren't those "typical gay characters" like that doctor or Andy, acting over-the-top or girly or idk. Both of them were manly, stubborn, but also just the perfect amount of emotional.

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