Two of Universal’s biggest monsters collide in Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man. After discovering that he’s immoral Lawrence Talbot journeys to Castle Frankenstein in search of Dr. Frankenstein’s notes on creating life, but instead he finds the Monster himself. Lon Chaney, Jr. reprises his role as Talbot and Bela Lugosi taken on the Frankenstein role. The performances are pretty good, and the script does a fairly decent job of resurrecting Talbot and at finding a reason for him to cross paths with Frankenstein. However, there’s a little bit of a bait-and-switch going on, as the story’s more about discovering Frankenstein’s secret journal than the monsters fighting. But the Frankenstein/Wolf Man fight does come, and doesn’t disappoint. Fun and entertaining, Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man is a well-crafted film that enriches Universal’s Monster series.

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