Shout by Vincenzo Köstler

See 2019

It's okay but there are so many mistakes in the storyline, so much stuff that does not make sense at all that it sometimes hurts to watch. The cinematography is on a really high level - indeed. However, the inconsequence this storyline was written with is disturbing and makes this whole thing a bit of a painful experience. I quite skipped trough it to at least get an overview where this is going.

Maybe they should have done a deep dive how cultures would really develop under these given circumstances. I find it hard to believe that all those people do not know absolutely anything just because there was a virus. And given the fact, that there is no further explanation I bet Apple itself does not have an explanation how this scenario makes any sense.

The only reason I can see why people would give this series a good rating is because of the cinematography, the cast and because it was done by Apple. Because besides those superficial reasons, there is nothing really that justifies a good rating.

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Reply by Rodrigo Braz
Blocked2019-11-03T16:19:55Z— updated 2019-11-05T07:51:13Z

@vincenzokoestler Sight is not something that is easily explainable to people without it. Given that a large quantity (I don't think they clarify on that) of generations have passed, I could see how globally humanity has forgotten about it. With that other senses would become more developed, which would explain ayuras and the other roles. I guess I don't find it as badly written, or painful, as you do.

@vincenzokoestler It's not like the virus hit and they all forgot about everything the next day. 600 years has passed since.

@vincenzokoestler I take it that you've only seen one or two episodes. How many episodes do think it would take to show the development of an entire world losing its sight. In the beginning the show states that centuries have passed, and this is where they are at. Their hearing is highly developed, amongst other senses. Just go with the flow, Vincenz. Light entertainment

@unklez it’s nowhere said that 600 years passed. Moreover, it never happened before in any way that the human race developed backwards. That would not really make sense. We would never accept to give up everything we achieved so far and I am pretty sure not being able to see would not really change that. Okay maybe all the sane people were killed by the virus and nobody being able to think rational survived. That might be an explanation. However no real explanations were given so far which might be due the reason that the producers do not really have any.

@rfsbraz it’s understandable that people would forget how to explain being able to see. I am not going to argue about that point because it actually makes sense. What I do not accept to believe, however, is the fact, that all human living forgot about everything we achieved so far. Moreover, it kind of implies that blind people would not be able to achieve similar and that if you are blind the best you can do is get thrown back to Stone Age. Now you tell me if this is in any way appropriate.

@marve64 If you look closely, you will find out very quickly how many episodes I have actually seen. (It’s right below my comment that I have seen 3/4 episodes.)

It’s not about the amount of episodes it would need to take to develope the story given the very high paced storytelling so far. Much too many mistakes have been made in terms of cultural development. The whole story implies that blind people are not capable of living in a modern environment and they would get thrown back to Stone Age. I wonder how blind people would feel about the storyline. Moreover I do not believe that the human race would leave everything behind we achieved so far. This would not make sense in any historical context given the fact that the human race NEVER before developed backwards.

It seems clear to me that, given your rating and your language („just go with the flow“ is literally the worst recommendation ever given in a review) your opinion on this won’t change. Although most critics say exactly the same as I did in my review when this series came out.
Have a nice day buddy.

@vincenzokoestler I have only watched one episode, hence my rating, show me a piece of fantasy without mistakes, flaws, call it what you will. How do you explain to an audience in one hour the development of a word losing a primary sense, over centuries. A scenario whio as never occurred, so no one really knows. Will you be watching the remainder of this season?
Or have you stopped? Seeing as it's so bad.

@marve64 It seems like that you are trying to defend the show by arguing that it is „not that bad“ but on the other hand you are giving it a 10 out of 10 which means the best of the best. That does not make sense - you know that right? Especially as you have only seen one episode. So I assume the rating you are giving is primarily based on the sympathy to the company the show was produced by (might that be true?) ?

Flaws and mistakes are human and are therefore totally fine. What is not fine, however, is total ignorance about human history and cultural development.
This one is not set up as a fantasy in a fantasy world. It’s set up as a futuristic scenario of the human race. This is a different category than fantasy series like game of thrones or Star Trek. There should be at least some foundation when it comes to Anthropologie and cultural history.

And to answer your question: YOU DO NOT. I would say it’s impossible to do such a complex story and try to describe the situation within 50min. It was their decision to do that. They could have taken 6 episodes to develope a foundation for the whole thing and describe how everything happened. But they did not. And that is exactly the reason why this series sucks so bad. Because the did. not took the time to make it work. The idea itself is great but the execution is just bad.

And yeah I might check them out after they are all released and skip through them to see if they managed to make at least something out of the mess.

@vincenzokoestler Please don't drift your arguments into "appropriate" territory. This is fiction, and should be seen as such. This is in no way making a statement about blind people as much as breaking bad is glorifying drugs. Besides, do you think that nothing we achieved is related to sight? The world would be completely upside down. I get that its a giant stretch to fallback into the stone age, but that whats makes it intriguing to me, as a story.

@vincenzokoestler Sorry but STAR TREK is Real....

@vincenzokoestler I also find it very flawed. Weirdly it's a very aesthetic setup when we are supposed to be watching the stories of people who can't appreciate aesthetics. That being said, the stories are entertaining. I just wish it was shot and designed differently.

@vincenzokoestler dann you are dumb. Are you watching the serial or maybe you are here to look for mistakes and talking nonsense. In your opinion there is no good serials for you right ?

@vincenzokoestler I think the 'stone age' thing is more because they became overtly religious and despised technology. There might be a different culture on another continent that has got more of a modern-like life, who knows.
The idea is probably that climate change caused a huge pandemic to happen.

Well, your arguments bite themselves in the butt because you rated TWD and FTWD 7/10. Explain to me how your arguments (thrown back to Stone Age) don’t seem to matter to you when people turn into zombies instead of becoming blind. In the end both shows follow similar principles. And TWD also has a million plotholes. Not defending See, I’d rate both shows about the same.

It’s unfortunate that you being unable to pay attention, comprehend, or even have the patience to watch the show and understand the premise is causing you to trash the show. But apparently stupidity is contagious considering all the people agreeing with you. The show said right at the beginning that several centuries have passed since humans lost their vision to a virus that introduced blindness as a dominant gene into the gene pool. This, paired with centuries of decline, is more than believable for our society that was so reliant on sight to collapse and revert to this primitive state.
