
For real? Are we really doing this? First of she sounds more and more like the character she was on Scandal and I don't hate that. I DO hate the clearly insane restraints he has to keep himself in because he's so "tortured".

So the 2nd scene of the episode has Bright ripping his restraints to fling himself out the window held on only by the other half of his restraints. Why doesn't he have proper restraints? He's not super human he can't rip restraints out of the wall if they're properly secured. Why did he end up half out the window? His bed isn't that close and it wouldn't make sense. I'm 4 minutes into the episode and I feel like the entire series just jumped the shark. 4 Minutes into Episode 3 and I might just no longer care about any one or anything happening. If you jump out the window you get cut especially when the only thing holding you in the window is a ledge of broken class.

Everyone keeps trying to tell him his memories are messed up and they're telling him to basically man up. I mean this time they even mention mental health but still no psychologist? I take it back he finally has a shrink. But why is it a child's shrink? People just keep making Bright more and more eccentric but eccentric people aren't eccentric because they make odd choices. It's because they make unusual justifications. Monk might see a kid's shrink because she's got the highest record of improvement in the state. Johnny Smith might choose her because she's wears gloves or doesn't shake hands. Bright chooses her because..... lollipops? I know he was being facetious but the whole thing is silly.

:sigh: Whatever happened to smart writing.

weird and qwirky medical examiner because MEs can't be normal people: The victims had high doses of LSD 50 times normal

Bright: That's no coincidence. That's our killer's MO

Who wrote this dialog? The fact that the ME said it MEANS it was the killer's MO. She was confirming what you said was the killer's MO earlier. Why would you restate the obvious.

Honestly people shoot way too often in this show. Every time Bright is about to be stabbed someone shoots them. It's weird. This show is all flash and no substance three episodes in. Very unfortunate.

also in before all the druggies start chiming about how LSD is actually healthy and no one ever dies on drugs and whatever druggies say.

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