Review by The TV/Movie Guy

See: Season 1

1x05 Plastic

Damn I thought last was the end of the queen. Please no more scenes of her praying. k thanks lol should of known she had an exit plan!!

wowwwww that’s a ton of folks she killed. Damn and she was the queen. hopefully they learned from GOT and she will get what’s coming to her. Unlike Cersei did in GOT.

Hate to say it, as much as like Alfie Woodard she seems kind of missed cast. She sounds too much like her normal self.

Man Haniwa is so angst!!!

Come on Kofun how you letting a man that can’t see beat you so bad. haha
ohhhhhhhhh I spoke to soon. I thought who ever stole their stuff could see and got lost in the moment. dang it!! haha

Oh snap it’s Firestorm from DC’s legends of tomorrow. Dope!! Good to see him doing his thing!

Yeah pretty damn sure she’s the queens sister. no confirmation needed. haha The way she talking about her dad after the queen talked about how her dad didn’t love her.

Hmm will Kofun and ol girl become a thing? I must of missed when she let them know she’s known their secret all their lives. Oh wait she’s too old for Kofun then. haha age ain’t nothing but a number and he doesn’t have any options at the moment. haha

OUCH she said she finds it amusing he can see but observes so little. Burnnnn

Blah the queen part after being kidnap is way too long. We don’t care enough about her for all that screen time with her being belittled. Blah I figure she will be rescued some how. So it’s a bit much to me to be as long as it was. lol at least she didn’t pray. haha think I have PTSD

Finally It’s Baba time!! He deadly with a sword!!!

Wait!!!! She could of commanded him all this time!!! So many people died and she did nothing. He must not know she’s the mother of the twins. Guess she ran off with Jerlamarel when she got pregnant and he ran off from her once she had them. dude just traveling around dropping his seed. Guess that will dilute the gene pool.

Damn weekly bs. lol I wish I could binge the season.

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