Shout by Antonio Torrecillas Molina

His Dark Materials

Season 1

Question: if The Golden Compass was a box office disaster and did not have therefore continuation; What does it mean to make a whole series of the novel on which it was based? Does it contribute something new to nonsense size? At the moment I will give it a chance although it does not look good after seeing the first chapter.

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@franat Just because the first movie was good or bad, succeeded or not, doesn't mean another adaptation could be better or worse. And i'm talking in general here.

In this particular case the books were great, so the show has the potential to be great as well, and so far i'm liking it. Maybe not as much as the books, but i feel it holds its own.

@franat other things contributed to the film's disaster other than the quality of the source material (which is actually really good and has been successful both in sales and in critics). The series is a new attempt at adapting a good story, this time, hopefully, in the right way. Let's see if they manage.

@zmaster_ar Let´s wait and see the final results. Thanks for your appreciation.

@arthurmeds Ok, let´s see before judge, i´m in it. Thank you.

@franat I understand where you're coming from, but the 2007 movie does not do justice to the book. The script was bad, they didn't even use the whole of the book, leaving the final chapters for a potential sequel. I think that sagas are much better structured and reproduced in series than in movies, because rarely they can portray the characters fully, with their flaws and virtues; instead they just make them plain and basic. It is impossible to fully reproduce a book in under two hours. I believe that, with the episode format, it does more justice, it shows us more of the world in which they live in, we know more about the main characters AND the secondary ones. Also the movie left most of the religious themes in fear of the repercussion, but now 13 years later with a bit more open minded world, they can fully portray what Philip Pullman narrated in his books.

@franat The Golden Compass was an attempt to squish a lot of story in two hours which led to poor pacing and not enough time to understand the world, hence the poor rating. Trilogies like His Dark Materials are much better suited for being adapted into TV shows.

@franat I know that this is a little tardy, but the BBC was the producer and they are willing to do a single series show.
