Really graphic, really brutal and shocking. This is a great pilot episode that's got me hooked and intrigued. However, one minor nitpick is the science behind the invisible guy. He claims he can turn invisible because his skin can reflect light. If that were true then when he's invisible we'd still see his hair, his eyeballs when his eyelids aren't closed and probably even his teeth when he talks. Those wouldn't be reflecting light. Just saying. But besides that it was awesome.

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@sirkappy he /the writers were probably just sloppy in that it’s not just his skin but his entire surface, no matter what material. It all turns into that carbon meta material. He has to be naked because it doesn’t extend to anything his body touches, but his body itself gets cloaked all over.
Because if it didn’t, yeah, you’d see all his hair and uh. Yeah. We did see that without the cloak. He’d be rather visible :joy:
So I suppose that if you get limited time to explain your weirdness you might just say “my skin does x” rather than “the entirety of my body’s surface turns to x” to make it easier for both yourself, as you’re avoiding having to get into details, as well as those in the populace who are a little slow on the uptake.
