Thank God for a slow day at work. It’s Mandalorian time!!!

When ever the little guy shows on screen I can’t help but do an internal awe!! Haa

OMG he just cried!!! ughh my heart :heart: can’t take it. Haa GO GET HIM MANDO!!!

All I know is the kid better be rescued by end of this episode. Part of me wants to say I’ll boycott the show if he isn’t saved. But I’d be lying my ass off. haha

Sheesh that mandalorian jealous Mado is about to be armored up. haha haters are everywhere!!!

Go ahead now!!! Mando all shinny in his new armor!!! Now go get the Kid and kick their ass’s in the new armor they provided. hahah

Stormtroopers = light work for Mando

Awee look at the little guy in the blanky.

Oh snap the whole guild bout to be on him!!!!

Nope ain’t no way he getting out of this with out help. Damn he holding his own though. Maybe he will get by on his own.

Wait is the little guy going to do something....dang nope!!

Oh hell nah I just geeked out hard at the mandalorians coming to his rescue. F that where do I sign up. hahaha

Another dope episode in the books. Loved when Mando said he had to get him one of those rocket back packs. haha

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