Iris cares so much about Barry. Yet she’s off doing feminism stuff. When he is stuck in a dream state ? Plus if Barry is vanishing soon. Shouldn’t Iris be pregnant with Nora ?

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@jim222001 "feminism stuff"? WTF are you talking about?!

@jim222001 She could be pregnant already without her even knowing it... just because they haven't mentioned it yet or Iris doesn't know it yet doesn't mean it is already happening. However, I do agree that Iris is off doing less important stuff than being with her man two days before he is going to die.

@the_argentinian Someone’s triggered lol. I mean teaming up with 2 other women and giving themselves a name for their clique.
When girls hang-out on the CW it just feels corny and in your face with girl power.
But I did write this before seeing the whole thing. No one bothered to tell Iris he was stuck in a dream state until the end.

@jim222001 you're the one complaining about a couple of girls investigating and seeing a big conspiracy behind it and I'M the one triggered? Lol

@the_argentinian I’m not cursing. Triggered people say WTF in caps lol.

@jim222001 o k, b o o m e r

@the_argentinian That’s such as an edgy comeback lol.
But I was just say WB for instance can’t have women together. Without dumb lines line like “did Bruce Wayne just mansplain everything to us ?”
Like in Titans.
Iris and friends didn’t do that so I did overreact a little. Either way she probably should have been there with Barry.

@jim222001 @marinka678 The initial crisis was supposed to happen in 2024, so Iris was supposed to get pregnant at that time. Now the crisis has been moved to 2019. Five years before pregnancy.
