Review by The TV/Movie Guy

See: Season 1

1x08 House of Enlightenment

Aighttttt here we gooooooo!!! I’m really curious how this season is going to end.

Oh they ain’t wasting no time. We get to see Jerlamorel right from the jump!! nice!!!

I don’t know why I expected a city of lights like when driving into Albuquerque.

Damn Jerlamorel got his relationships on. hahaha all them damn kids. lol wait so who will they be procreating with!?!?!

That’s right pay homage to the GOAT!! Micheal Jordan!!!! haaaaa

Yeah me missing Baba Voss also. Ready for some fight scenes!!!

Oh snap forgot about Boots. For some reason I’m open to him redeeming himself. I mean I get why he’s the way he is.

Haaaaaa what a joke. No way the queen is going to give up the crown. I mean she did kill her whole kingdom. I’m still hoping a lot survived!!

Come on Boots this is your chance to redeem yourself. Don’t fall for this lady’s slick words.

Man they get so close to each other to communicate. Sheesh!!! Breath probably all funky!!! haaaaa

I’d like to take this moment to thank the writers for not subjecting us to the queen praying again after episode 2. hahaaaaaa Thank You!!!

Where is this dude getting these collard shirts from!!! hahaha

Lol @ Kofun saying “really Haniwa” when she says she’s felt alone her whole life. Haaaaaaaaa

Wait did they just say badlands??
How cool would it be to connect this show to “Into the Badlands” hahaha jk but not!!

Oh dang Jaralmorel looked genuinely sad when he heard their mom was killed. That’s what’s up!! Can’t wait till they all meet up again!!

Damn Jaralmorel really feeling himself hard. Dude sounding all entitled and ish. hopefully he stays a god guy.

Man Kofun acting like a baby!!! My my my how roles have reversed. Haniwa speaking sensibly while Kofun isn’t.

Man sometimes I’m right there with Jaralmorel. He be making so much sense and then other times it’s like dude you really high on yourself!!! haaaaa

Finally boba Voss and crew!!! Oh dang they just going to leave bow lion there like that. She has to be in season 2!!

Damn say it ain’t so Jaralmorel!!! How could you!!!
Ohhh boy!!! This world is about to open up next season with the addition of a formidable enemy!!

I need to know why the betrayal!!!!
Mannnn they better save Haniwa by end of the episode!!

They tripping walking up on the queen like that. She ain’t going out that easy. She has to have a plan!!!!

Oh snap!! I knew it. I forgot all about boots sneaky ass. That was a rookie move on my part. lol

Boooo I was so ready to be done with the queen. I must admit they did a good job with her character. Had me hating her, feeling sorry for her, and hating her again. hahaha

Oh yeah Bobba Voss time!!!! I am not even going to question how he got the jump on them to save Kofun. lol I wonder who will play his brother next season. Damnnnn me no likey seeing Jaralmorel get the best of Bobba. I know it won’t last long though!! But still!! hahaha
Lol at what Bobba said about guns!!!

“Now you’re in my world!!!!!” When he said that Jaralmorel had to of known it was game over. haha

Oh gawd these dark scenes are never fun!! lol I get it though!! Oh snap!! no don’t kill him!! We need him for answers man!! Ahh hell don’t take his sight nooooooooo!! oh damn!! I don’t even know what to say!! wowwwwwwww

Love how Maghra jumped into the middle of the speech. You go girl!! But please don’t trust this bishhhh can’t believe the queen killed the witchfinder. When they showed him still leaning over as the tent burned I hoped he some how survived and regained consciousness. Can’t believe they made me like his character by the end of the season. Good shit!!!

Dang everyone is spit up!! I’m ready for season 2 stat!!

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