who are these people lol

Ahh there we go!! All is right in the world. Baby yoda just chillin looking all cute. Haha

So cute how mando talks to the little guy!! Lol baby yoda like nah I’m coming with bruh!! haha

Bout time been waiting for this chic to appear!!! Damn she going toe to toe with Mando!! Oh my gosh baby yoda sipping on a dranky drank is the cutest thing ever!!

I knew I’d see these two again. Was surprised to see them at the beginning of episode. They usually do comedies. Damn I miss wrecked!!! That show shouldn’t of been canceled!!

Lol at being in the middle of no where changing Mando’s mind. Haaaa @ give me those credit. ha
Don’t think this is going to be the cake walk you expect Mando!!

The sounds of the kids playing and laughing is nice!! Ahh to simpler times!!

This lady got it bad for Mando. He ain’t even do anything. haaaa it’s the kid!! Instant chick magnet. haha jk

Omg I can’t take it. She be giving him the looks hard. Hahaha too funny :joy:
She looks like she wants to say there has to be a better way after he says this is the way!! Hahaha

Wait I’m confused how can he take the helmet off there? Wouldn’t they be able to see him from that distance!! All they had to do was look up.


I’m so ready to buy me a mando baby yoda shirt!!! lol

Damn ol girl can shoot!!! lol at all this sexual tension!!!

Love how Mando doesn’t mind getting help from people he meets on his journey.

Come on Cara make it happen!! Mando all encouraging. Nice!

Oh gross!!! Ewwww baby yoda put a froggy in his mouth. lol

Nooooooo you can’t leave baby yoda there. Nah ain’t no way!!! Nope nope nope :thumbsdown:

Who is this with a fob??? don’t you dare ask her if you can leave him there.

Look like he’s actually thinking of staying. What a tease that was. Well I didn’t want him to take it off

Omg omg arggg playing with my emotions like that!! Thought something was going to happen to the little guy. Whelp back to our regularly scheduled program. On the road again!! lol

Wait where is his ship!! Must of missed something.

Awww @ the ending!!!

Always love the art work and music!!

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@thetvmovieguy LOVE YOUR SUMMERY MATE, BEST ONE I'VE SEEN:thumbsup::thumbsup:
