Review by The TV/Movie Guy
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-12-07T03:46:26Z— updated 2020-03-09T05:04:34Z

Ohhhhh a space fight. Me likey!!
Dang mando ain’t doing so hot!!!

Did this mofo just use Mando’s line?? Haaaaa no sooner did I finish that thought did mando say that’s my line. love it!!!!

Oh boy something tells me baby yoda isn’t going to stay put. Haaaa

Lol back to no droids!!

And there goes baby yoda doing what baby yoda does!! :smile:hahha

Haha even this Peli chick gone all soft when seeing the little guy.

Yay Tatooine!! How cool!!!

Who this cocky cat name toro!! Finally Ming-Na is here!!!!!

Lol rookie smart enough to trash the fob. haha if it was anyone else but mando that would of been the thing to do. haha

Awww baby yoda so cute. they do a good job making you like a character real quick. Peli is pretty cool.

The speeder bikes was a fun ride!!!

I really love seeing Ming -na in the Star Wars universe.

This dude is too worried about being f’d over. Makes me wonder what’s his intentions are

And there you have it. He’s shrewd as a mofo!!!

Wow what a waste! That’s all they did with Ming-an?? Sheesh

Looks like I trusted the right one. Something was off with this dude even if this wasn’t premeditated. haha

Peli love her some baby yoda. She is going to miss him!! Haha

As always great art work and music!!!

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