Shout by Dann Michalski

47 Meters Down 2017

Incredibly intense, 47 Meters Down is a frightening thriller that gives Jaws a run for its money. While on vacation in Mexico two sisters go on a dive in a shark cage, but when an accident causes the cage to break free from its moorings the girls end up trapped at the bottom of the ocean with limited air and surrounded by sharks. Mandy Moore and Claire Holt both give strong performances; especially given that they’re underwater and in full diving gear for most of the film. Also, the script does a pretty good job at having the girls work through their problems and attempt to find rescue. And the shark attacks (though not very realistic) are terrifying, and are made more so by a remarkably powerful score that heightens the tension and suspense. 47 Meters Down is a fresh and exciting horror film that delivers some bone-chilling scares.

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