Jason is on the loose once again in…err, actually Friday the 13th: The Series has no connection to the films, yet it’s still a pretty solid supernatural television show. Created by Frank Mancuso Jr. (a producer of the films), two cousins inherit an antique store from their uncle but soon discover that the antiques have been cursed, leading them to attempt to get back all the items that their uncle sold and prevent them from causing further harm. John D. LeMay and Louise Robey (or just Robey) have good chemistry together and give rather strong performances. Additionally, the writing is fairly creative in coming up with mystic powers to go with the various antiques. Also, the show is surprisingly horrific and frightening for broadcast television; unafraid to go to some fairly dark and macabre places. However, the cases-of-the-week can be rather hit-and-miss and get a little formulaic and predictable at times. Still, despite some weaknesses, Season 1 of Friday the 13th: The Series is entertaining and full of chills.

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