Honestly, I was scared the whole act she'd slip up out of nerves and reveal to all of Harlem about Shy being gay. But she didn't. She did amazing. And then, insecure, paranoid Shy kicks her out of the tour after all the times she was there for him when he needed it? What an ungrateful child. He was not a very good singer, anyways.

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@abtr She put plenty of inuuendos in there. Everybody who knew understood what she was talking about, no matter if intentionally or not.

@onlime sure, but on the flip side (and I don't exactly remember all that she said anymore), I don't think anyone would immediately think gay. I noticed most (if not all) of the things she pointed out about him during the first couple of episodes, and it never occurred to me that he was gay. I just saw a suave guy who liked being flashy

@abtr It's enough that Shy knows what she's talking about to fire her. But he should have had the decency to tell her in person. And if she wasn't the person that she is she could have told the manager "If you fire me the next time I will talk about Shy on stage I will not only stick to innuendos".
