Shout by Dann Michalski

Rocky II 1979

Rocky II delivers a knockout punch as a riveting drama that surpasses the original. Writer/director Sylvester Stallone has crafted a smart, compelling sequel that captures the spirit of the first film while taking the story in a new and interesting direction. Yet, in a lot of ways it’s the same story as the original, but with some nice twists and reversals: riches-to-rags Rocky Balboa is given one last chance at the world heavyweight boxing championship by Apollo Creed (who himself needs to be redeemed as the undisputed champion). This Rocky installment is very cinematic with some impressively well-crafted fight sequences and training montages: such as the iconic scene of Rocky running up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art with hundreds of fans following him. Rocky II takes the series to the next level and is a classic film in its own right.

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