Shout by Andreas Storvik Strauman

The Affair 2014

Shout by Andreas Storvik Strauman
BlockedParent2017-08-13T13:34:47Z— updated 2021-05-11T14:41:56Z

###Am I missing something huge?

It feels like there should be a point or something, but all I see are plain stories with some poor attempt to make deep meanings.

I'm on episode 7 of the first season, and if this is it, I'm done with this series.

I do enjoy the acting very much as it's really good and the score is very unique and interesting. However, it's far from enough to get me through any more episodes.

I think this is the most boring series I've ever watched. Due to it's popularity, I'm convinced I'm missing the point. It's progressing painfully slow, and barely anything happened the first three episodes.

Will it get better? Am I missing the point? Anyone?

I didn't rate this because I only watched the first 7 episodes
I'll score whatever I watched though.

###Acting: 9/10
Yes. The acting is great. I stayed a bit for the acting. I left due to everything else.

Other scores

Main storyline quality: 1/10
Originality: ?/10

Side storylines quality: 1/10
Progression of main story line: 1/10
Story development: 1/10
Characters: 1/10

Intensity (cliffhangers, edge of seat and the like): -9/10 (yes. negative 9)

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Hi @strauman, This is sad that you missed the point of this story and series.
the way I understand it is that there is the point of vue of each main character (from Noah or Ellen or Cole and Alison) then you relive the same event with a different vue and at last what really happened.
you stopped watching when you realised what it is about and the result of the investigation.

...and... spoiler...
This is the story of Noah's book, the parts are actually the book then the end lead to Noah real life.

I hope I make sense.

@strauman good start, interesting idea, but becomes too boring by the end of the first season. 5 seasons?! No way!

@strauman Season 1 was a struggle, so slow, uninteresting and boring. Season 2 got better, still too slow. Season 3 a slow train wreck... Season 4 again uninteresting and boring... even one of the main characters gave up on it. Season 5 will probably be more of the same BS.
