Review by Ziggi

See 2019

Jason Momoa really shines in this, and as numerous people have said, the cinematography is just stunning. Overall I found it to be an interesting premise, thought out to enough of a degree to result in a suitable suspension of disbelief on some of the more borderline aspects of the show. It's an ambitious concept, and told from a difficult perspective, so I’m really impressed with what they managed to do with it.

The basic backstory is that several generations ago a virus wiped out a large portion of humanity, and left the rest blind. For me it was entirely logical that there would be a certain amount of societal regression, if only because a great reduction in population is always going to have a massive effect in the way the world operates, especially when previously sighted people now have to come to grips with life as a blind person. It makes sense that a great deal would have been lost in the initial chaos, and the remainder wiped away by time. But overall, that doesn’t particularly matter, because the show doesn’t focus itself on the past, and obsessing about the how’s and why’s of everything would have just unnecessarily bogged down the central story.

I enjoyed the acting, the characters, the story, some of the clever intuitive ways in which people have learned to cope without sight, even taking into account the subtle enhanced abilities that the populace has developed. But what I really loved was how able the blind characters are. Baba Voss is a force to be reckoned with, and the story never makes the characters seem like they’re somehow lesser just because they lack sight.

The society that has built up in the aftermath of the virus is fiercely capable, and intricate, and compelling, and often quite brutal. It’s a very entertaining show, though the more aesthetic elements do have a certain element of irony to them, and I remain unconvinced on the continued use of clothing dyes in a post-sight society, I though the majority of it was handled really well.

To those who find the occasional little inconsistencies upsetting - eh, fair enough, don’t watch it. I’ll just sit over here and continue to enjoy the show for what it is.

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