Shout by Liviu

The Witcher 2019

Trying so hard to GoT.

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@mliviua yeah man, I mean, Game of thrones created the middle ages, swords and magic, congrats to George rr Martin, the guy who invented sex. I totally understand you, the Witcher has actors and... actress?, clearly a game of thrones copycat

@krytowskki Lol. How is the show for real?


Witcher first book: 1993
Got first book: 1996

But nice try anyway

@mliviua we can't even compare this series with GoT that has the worst ending of all

@felixgotrek Game of Thrones is a tv show. The books are called ASoIaF ;)

@philyg123 and i know this very well. I read them all. But lots of people dont know whats "ASoIaF". Referring to it as "Got" is easier and more understandable for people who only know about the show.

@felixgotrek Hmm I don't really care if people are confused about it. Those two things have become different stories and therefore should be adressed differently. And the argument that it's easier shouldn't be valid since people who are old enough to watch this show should also be old enough to remember the distinction.
