Now I can check "watch a cartoon that uses the term 'fingerbang'" off my bucket list..

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@cmonster Have you never seen South Park? Cartman wrote an entire song about it.

@scootermcgavin okay, I have to admit that I seldom watch Southpark (don't judge). I don't dislike it, just seldom watch, the last one I watched was the one with Macho Man. Although, I do kinda remember an uproar in the media about that one, I'll have to go look for the clip.

@cmonster No judgement here, way too much television to fault someone for their holes or even their tastes. Sorry if my comment seemed more condescending than I intended it to be. I guess I should have wrote, "I take it you have not seen South Park" instead.

@scootermcgavin no offense taken what's ever, it's all good. It makes sense that someone watching Harley Quinn would also watch South Park, hell add Family Guy too. It makes perfect sense.
Again, no offense taken what so ever, it's all good!
