Review by IsharaLion

The Kid Who Would Be King 2019

Convinced that I would roll my eyes a lot with this movie, I did. But then it did something wonderful and captured me in the way that The Goonies, Hook, and all those other classics did. It teaches without being too overpowerful, it situates itself within this time (make quite a few nods to Brexit England) and it is filled with hope when there's a world where it seems that there's not a lot of it left. It's clear what Cornish wants to achieve here and I do feel like he did. He wants to fill youth with adventure, goals and hope while reminding those that had forgotten that not all is lost just yet.

It's not perfect by any means, but it is charming, heartwarming and decently acted. It just looks like it was a whole lot of fun to make and I had a whole lot of fun watching it.

I really just wonder how the hell they explained the remains of the battlefield at the school to the teachers... Or did Merlin just hypnotise them to clean it all up and forget all about it. But what about all the dents in the cars?! Oh but wait, the meek kid can multiply money now, it's all good. And shouldn't they be like all over the news if 4 kids disappear for 4 days straight? Mum didn't seem too devastated or angry about it. Ah well, it's a family-fun adventure movie, what the hell am I going on about, I enjoyed it.

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