Shout by Carlos Teran

The Mandalorian 2019

This is what Star Wars is all about. Heroes against impossible odds fighting lost battles, willing to give it all for a true cause and honor. The characters (all of them) in this episode are treated with respect, and the excellent writting and acting makes you worry for them, care for them, feel every loss as if it were yours, and cheer every little win as an epic triumph. You mourn with this characters, you laugh with them. This series keeps the right balance between tragedy, drama and comedy. It feels timeless, and makes you wish to revisit it like when you hang out with a good friend you've not seen in a while. It's a proper ending for the season, and gosh, this is how Disney should handle their entire Star Wars franchise. It's gonna be a long year until the next season, I'm sure of it. This... is the way.

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@carlos-teran i'd love to have the drugs you're having
