Overall I loved the feel of the episode, very cute.

Sam has a sleepover at Zahid's place, and meets Zahid's roommates, aka his parents. They are the sweetest loveliest people, and I love how we see a different side of Zahid. Instead the crude, over doing it Zahid, we see the nice, kind, and gentle Zahid. We see why him and Sam are gest friends. For Zahid, he appreciates Sam's honesty and how Sam looks up to him for advice, he feels loved and respected. And for Sam, Zahid doesn't see a kid with autism, he sees Sam as his younger friend who won't judge, and who won't judge Sam. Zahid treats Sam like he treats everyone else. I loved how Zahid was so protective of Sam when Sam was detained by the police officer, how he tried to make Sam feel calm even within their chaotic situatiuon. With this episode, I've a new affection and appreciation for Zahid.

Izzie stays over at Casey's since her mom's bf got violent. While she dropped her siblings at her grandma's place, she opted for Casey's as there wasn't any more room with her siblings. First, Sam and Izzie finally met, and it's cute how instead of finding Sam weird, Izzie understands Sam immediately, even giving him useful suggestions for his sleepover. She even tells Casey she thinks Sam is cool, not weird at all. Finally the girls get some alone time with another very sweet emotional moment, after bonding in their little fort, Izzie tells Casey how she's become her new favorite person, the one she wants to hand out the most with and feels understood. These moments are laying the groundwork for more between the two girls, building a strong emotional bond. Unfortunately the boding comes to an end when Nate stops by to hangout with them. While watching a movie, Izzie falls alseep and we see Nate ask Casey how things are going with Evan... when Casey confesses that things are in a bad place with them, Nate tries to kiss her, taking her confession as an opening for something between them. Immediately Casey shuts him down (that anything between them would NEVER happen), shocked that he would do that especially with Izzie just a few feet away sleeping. Now how will this affect Casey and Izzie when Izzie finds out? Will Nate bare the blame or will Casey?

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