Nice to see this season stop dawdling around and actually advance the plot forward in a meaningful way. The fact that the large questions The Good Place has been asking for years might actually have a resolution is exciting, even if the conclusion will likely end positively--it would just be so tonally off-brand and against the show's thesis for the protagonists to fail.

But what gripe I really have is with the logic of the judge's ruling. It really doesn't make sense. How would a hard reboot of Earth even sort of start to guarantee that things would improve? A hard reset feels blatantly unfair and although that's the necessity in order to incite the show's next act, it doesn't make sense coming from the being who is supposed to be literally the most fair person in the universe. I'm not sure what would have been a better move, though. But because this is the path that we've set forward, it feels as though the season arc didn't need as many episodes as we're getting. Considering so many episodes have been spent spinning their wheels, it almost feels like perhaps this show could have wrapped up with a significantly more truncated season--but I wouldn't be surprised if NBC wouldn't go for it.

That said, there is good stuff in this episode. I like seeing characters showing deep understanding of each other. And hearing Bad Janet say "I don't have to poop, I choose to" was fantastic.

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@hcolesmith95 Yeah, rebooting the Earth doesn't make sense. She claims it is because humans became too complicated to measure with points. But if Earth is rebooted, a billion years later, the exact same issue will arise. Evolution complicates things. If they can't evolve with it, they should not be the celestial beings in charge of people's fates.
The best option would be to do away with the point system and judge people on a more empathetic level. The point Michael made that changed the judge's mind was that points don't show an individual's potential. So, the best option would be to allow such potential to be shown. The Neighborhood (and others like it) should become an official part of the system. When people die, they go to a Neighborhood and the quality of their souls is judged a certain amount of time. At the end of that time, it is decided whether they good to the Good Place or the Bad Place. This is the ideal way to handle it. The only issue is finding the right people to run the Neighborhoods and providing the best environment in which people can reveal their true natures...

@sophiefilo16 agreed! I like this.
