Review by DimblesTheDan

The Terminal 2004

THE TERMINAL starts off uniquely non-spielberg, more attune to a Coen Brothers comedy by its performance and edit. Good news to me, not to be disappointed by Act 2 as the story progression shines through a classic Spielberg block and John Williams eastern inspired score. Tom Hanks never drops the ball in his performance, as his character may progress in his understanding of the English language and culture, his character retains his quirk.

Act 3 could be mistaken for any alternative in Spielberg's repertoire as its unique premise fades into its fullest progression, simultaneously lending itself as a film extending its run-time to a ridiculous degree.

For a film taking place in one geographical location I was for the most part impressed by the film's ability to fill it's feature, which it did up until a point where the direction and use of score becomes that of a cliché Xmas film, without semblance of the deadpan comedic elements introduced, instead replaced with a common and overdrawn structure of your average and plain feel good film.

You could argue it's better Spielberg lends the 3rd act to fulfil his style of film-making by taking a unique concept and an unusual genre by his standard and then morphing it into a film hes already made 10 times over, another falling deeper into Spielberg's Venus Flytrap of creative Bankruptcy.


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