[8.8/10] What a superb dose of cuteness and fun. Like the last short, this one veers a bit toward Pixar as well, though as Mrs. Bloom pointed out, it’s more in the vein of something like WALL-E (with a dash of Tom & Jerry for good measure).

It is an absolute delight to see that little toon-ified tardigrade racing across the Enterprise and through outer space to lay and retrieve its eggs. The slapstick chases between the eponymous duo are well-directed, with more stretch and squash than I might have expected for 3D animation. And it’s such a treat to see Ephraim bolting after the Enterprise and running through iconic Original Series events from “Space Seed” all the way through Star Trek III.

I’ll also admit that this one tugged at my heartstrings quite well. I didn’t really think this show would let a lot of little baby animals die. But still, there’s something sweet and heartening about Ephraim lamenting that her babies are gone, the reveal that in the end, Dot saved them, and the warm reunion of this new little family. Plus, the tardi-babies are frickin’ adorable.

All-in-all, this may very well be the best Short Trek yet, with one of these outings that knows how to have fun, and channels the occasional goofy tone of TOS in the effort.

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