Is The Good Place... good again?

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@edrick Are you talking about the show or the place?

@sophiefilo16 I meant the show (it's a fair question though, the actual good place is annoying for a reason)

@edrick If your question is genuine, I have to say... wince
It,'s getting there...maybe. This certainly wasn't it's strongest episode, but it was better than the previous one. If you're not currently keeping up with the episodes, I'd say just reading a summary of what happened in this and last episode would suffice. So far, episodes 4 through 7 have been the best episodes this season. Everything else has been either "fairly good" (most of the other episodes) or just "meh/shrug" (this and last episode). It's a shame that this final season is so...underwhelming...

@sophiefilo16 I'm up to date with the episodes (except with the most recent one), and I find this season full of merits, just the execution got pretty boring. The parts with the experiment got very slow, but things got better once that ended, so I kinda liked the last one or two before the autumn break, and last week's return was on fire. Personally, I hope they keep this up so close to the finish line too.
