Is it that tough to enjoy a show, nowadays? People seem to be disliking shows more and more, their standards rising higher, for no apparent reason, and needlessly nitpicking at everything. This was completely fine. It was very entertaining and had more than enough funny moments. I'm relieved that I'm not that way. I feel sorry for those who are.

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@legendaryfang56 This review seems to imply that people who criticise shows are nitpicking or somehow can't enjoy its other elements. I'm not sure I understand why. This episode has a lot of flaws, and it also has a few bright spots. I enjoyed the bright spots and noticing its flaws didn't diminish my enjoyment of them.

@thingsaregreat (Of course, we may disagree on the flaw:feature ratio, but my point is that acknowledging the former shouldn't and generally doesn't prevent one from enjoying the latter, which I think your review implies is unlikely, since you "feel sorry" for those who "nitpick".)
