Shout by KyriaCrosszeria

Sex Education: Season 2

2x05 Episode 5

“You dont end up in bad situations, you make bad decisions.”
Yupp. No excuse.

Also that neighbour in the wheelchair. Unpopular opinion but only because you’re in a wheelchair doesn’t give you a free card to be an asshole. But w/e they’ll probably start liking one another or something.

“Vaginal pleasure doesn’t diminish with age or lack of contact.” Noooo, but it can by trauma and other mental issues, which I suspect “not getting touched by your significant other for 6 years while longing for a physical relationship” might provoke. Strongly.

Yikes. Remi’s got some problems. He came off so differently in the first season. Like he’s really mellowed.

”I want a divorce” yeeeeeee, you go girl! Good for you!
Nice fade into a sort of “your bowl my mangos” kind of image.

And I absolutely loved the ending. Ola really has been annoying me way more lately. And she used to be so cool.

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