Shout by Örjan X

Juno 2007

I could easily give this movie top score if I just went for the feeling.
Juno is awesome in the movie! Sweet, cocky and funny. She goes her own way and dont give a shit about what everyone else think.

But after a bit of analysis, the film feels too pro-life and anti-abortion. Christians, the geek girl outside the abortion clinic say that the child has nails. It sounds like Juno doesn't care but well in there she looks at everyone's nails and changes her decision. To take an example.

When one of the largest anti-abortion groups is found among teenagers in the US, around 70% are negative, I have seen figures so it would be more interesting to see a movie that breaks the norm. But the movie is wonderfully well done, wonderful soundtrack, Ellen Page is very cute. So, thumbs up anyway.

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