Review by Lorna

Servant 2019

I’m absolutely loving this show, it’s very original and eerie!

A strange subject matter, which is why it makes it scary and spooky.

It’s phenomenally so well done by giving nothing away, twists and turns constantly which keeps you guessing. Everytime, I believe I’ve figured out what’s going on, something happens and leaves me scratching my head.

I suppose it’s every parent’s nightmare, which is why it makes it’s unnerving and eerie.

Such a brave move on subject matter and so very well done. It’s somehow simple, but complex.

The cast are fantastic and really play their parts well, shrouded in darkness, mystery and terrifying in ways.

You want to shout and say what on earth are you doing letting this person in your house! No one would be so stupid! But, by each episode you find out a little more and understand the complexity of their predicament.

The episodes are shorter than usual shows and you’re concentrating so hard trying to figure out what’s truly going on, it’s over as it begun, or so it feels.

I note a few comments don’t like the basic subject matter, but that’s the beauty of tv & films; it explores taboo subjects, and in a way educates you to those experiences sadly some have to go through. It delves deep in to the darkness of thoughts and emotions. Which in a way is educating, as everyone deals with things in their own way and it shouldn’t be shunned or swept under the carpet or even frowned upon.

Anyway, this is a brilliant show that leads you down a dark path, that’s full of suspense and horror.

Extremely original and currently one of my favourite shows.

Waiting in anticipation for more....where will this story it supernatural, evil twisted people, or will it surprise us with none of the above and be the grief, clouding judgment and altering perception of all those involved, fuelling the situation in something easily explainable???

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