Review by drqshadow

X-Men: Apocalypse 2016

Despite the marked increase in bloody violence over the franchise's previous chapters (perhaps a reflection of the similar shift in comics during the '80s) this is possibly the most inoffensive X-Men film yet. It's so stuffed with winks, nods and fan service, lingering in the introduction of each new(ish) character, that at times it can seem like the plot is just an afterthought.

Our story is ultra-light, with a focus on flashy effects, and only occasionally hints at the deeper, more interesting insights we were promised in trailers. Alas, the new villain's history (and the fascinating potential of its influence in a literally biblical sense) is relegated to a fleeting vignette before the opening credits. His plans for the elimination of our society and the construction of a newer, better, model are left frustratingly vague and confusing. Just take our word for it, I guess, that he's a meanie. The problems we experienced in Days of Future Past with Quicksilver's game-breaking powers (and their subsequently convenient writing-out at the climax) are back again, this time joined by several more ultra-powerful mutants. They, too, are conveniently absent or forgetful when push comes to shove, giving the impression that the climactic scene is on rails.

I hate to sound like I'm coming down hard on this film, because there's plenty it does well. Visually, it's as loyal a big screen depiction as we've ever seen of the big Marvel franchise, and there's loads to celebrate in a visual sense. It's loaded with treats for the dedicated fan and generates a fine action scene, but beneath the surface it's nothing special. Not bad, not a waste of time, just... far from extraordinary.

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