Review by Mckenzie Brown

Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas 2012

I mean…I don’t know what to really say about this because it’s so short theirs not much too it. It seems like an interesting story I suppose. I liked the way it was presented as a sort of prison break and I actually found it much more compelling than the actual show. Mostly due to the main characters Scrooge and Carol(Get it? ‘Cause Christmas) having a much more interesting backstory and better personalities in a 10 minute short than Shu and Inori had in the whole series. I guess I just don’t know why this was made. I know it was to promote the game of the same name(which worked effectively because I want to play it now), but it seems like an awful lot of effort went into a game promo. The arts great, the action scenes are cool to look at and the story, as short as it is draws you in. It seems to me that more effort for a good story went into this game than it did for the whole anime and I find it odd. I suppose one should watch it if they liked the original anime with Shu and Co. Or if they want to learn a bit about the game before getting it, but other than that, you won’t be missing out much if you skip it.

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